Empowering event for teen girls, benefits JDRF

The teen years can be a time of transitions and changes, of strong feelings & emotions, and can either make or break a teen’s self-confidence and self-acceptance. With the right support, tools and knowledge, we can help our teen youth blossom into confident, radiant women who know their worth and are secure in their own self-love.

That is the Mission of Self Expression &Yoga for Teens. To empower teenage girls to find their own inner powers, to connect and find their own inner light. This workshop will give your daughter tools to recognize her worth and stand strong in her sense of self.

All proceeds will go to JDRF.
JDRF leads the global type 1 diabetes research effort to keep people healthy and safe until we find a cure for the disease. Help create a world without T1D .

For more info, check out the event page at https://www.fitbarrephoenix.com/girlsevent/

Hot off the Press – we have a Newsletter!

We are so excited to announce that we will be offering our BarreBabe Members an awesome monthly newsletter! January’s issue, Issue 1, is complete and will be hitting your inboxes this week. We hope our newsletter adds value to your membership…as we definitely value the support of our community and BarreBabes!

Our newsletters will feature a few key pages. These pages include Check your form, Meet your BARREtender, Recipe corner and a News & Events page. Most importantly, future issues will feature a BarreBabe Member of the month – accepting submissions year-round.

Check your Form

This page will feature a common (or no-so-common) Barre movement or position. It will let you know which muscle group is being targeted and it will break down the movement or position. This allows you to check in with yourself to make sure you are performing the move in a safe and correct manner….and one that will give you the best results!

Meet your BARREtender

We have an amazing team here at FitBarre and we’d love for you to get to know us! This section will feature one of our employees or instructors per month so that you get to know us on a personal level.

Recipe Corner

This one probably doesn’t need an explanation! We’ll feature one of our own favorites or one of your favorites! Please submit recipe ideas, along with a picture of the dish. We’d love to feature your healthy (or not!) meals, snacks or desserts.

News & Events

This page will feature current and upcoming studio events, membership info/updates and anything else that we’d like you to know.

BarreBabe Community Page

If you would like to be featured in our newsletter, let us know! We have a list of questions so that everyone can get to know you a little bit! Our goal is to create a community where you enjoy your time at the studio, and you have friends in each class – “working out” is much funner with friends!

We hope you love January’s issue!

Monika and Your team at FitBarre

Meet our newest Barre Instructor!

Melissa has officially completed her Barre Instructor Training! Congratulations, Melissa, you are now officially a Certified Barre Instructor!! Welcome to the FitBarre Team!

Pictured: Melissa during one of her training sessions.

The final step of her certification was to teach a class, solo but supervised.  Not only did she teach the class, she stepped up to the plate (Barre) and was on point with her transitions, corrections, technique and overall routine!

Want to take one of Melissa’s classes? Check out our Class Schedule and sign up! She is officially our new Sunday, 9:30 AM, Barre Instructor.  Get ready to sweat and, most importantly, have fun!


Enjoying our studio? Please spread the word :)