No more excuses…

💥I don’t have ballet experience! …You don’t need it.
💥 I’m not a dancer! …You don’t need to be one. 
💥 I have never tried Barre! …We love first-timers!
💥 But I love cardio! …We have that!
💥 I’m into weight lifting! …Our workouts will complement your weight lifting perfectly!
💥 I’m too out of shape to start! …You’re perfect to start now, we will help you with energy, mindset and you’ll start noticing your body change soon after you start!

Barre is for EVERYONE! Don’t worry if you can’t move fast, lift heavy or if you’re not flexible. You won’t be the only one!

We are nice and friendly so don’t be intimidated to come in, or just stop by to take a peek.

Looking forward to seeing you at the Barre!

Sign up for a class & find your Tribe!

We heard your feedback…you want MORE Barre!! Done!

This month we added 3 classes to our schedule and changed the time of one existing class. Keep reading to see what’s changing!

Looking to add more cardio into your life? We love cardio…and Barre! Check out our fast-paced cardio-style Barre class; FitBarre. This class is offered for the Beginner or the Advanced BarreBabe. On Tuesdays, we are moving our existing FitBarre Advanced class to an earlier time slot. If you need a quick workout before work or after dropping the kids off at school, come see Sarah at 8:30 AM. We also added FitBarre Beginner on Wednesdays at 4:30 PM! Now you can come to the studio right after work and not worry about going home first…where you might be distracted by dinner. Don’t forget your Barre-wear when you leave the house in the morning!

In addition to our cardio inspired classes, we also offer a more traditional approach to Barre fitness. You’ll laugh at the tiny weights when you first come to class; by the end of class, they’ll win (in a good way)! Our Barre class will focus on very specific muscle groups and target them with very small, controlled movements. We have had a lot of requests for a Tuesday evening class – you’ll be happy to hear that we added Barre with Melissa at 5:45 PM. If you like to get your workout out of the way on Sunday, join Melissa at 8:00 AM!

To recap the changes:
Tuesday, FitBarre Advanced, moved to 8:30 AM
Tuesday, Barre, 5:45 PM – new to our schedule
Wednesday, FitBarre Beginner, 4:30 PM – new to our schedule
Sunday, Barre, 8:00 AM – new to our schedule

All other classes and time slots remain the same. As always, please check the Class Schedule tab for any changes and instructor information.

See you at the Barre!

Hot off the Press – we have a Newsletter!

We are so excited to announce that we will be offering our BarreBabe Members an awesome monthly newsletter! January’s issue, Issue 1, is complete and will be hitting your inboxes this week. We hope our newsletter adds value to your membership…as we definitely value the support of our community and BarreBabes!

Our newsletters will feature a few key pages. These pages include Check your form, Meet your BARREtender, Recipe corner and a News & Events page. Most importantly, future issues will feature a BarreBabe Member of the month – accepting submissions year-round.

Check your Form

This page will feature a common (or no-so-common) Barre movement or position. It will let you know which muscle group is being targeted and it will break down the movement or position. This allows you to check in with yourself to make sure you are performing the move in a safe and correct manner….and one that will give you the best results!

Meet your BARREtender

We have an amazing team here at FitBarre and we’d love for you to get to know us! This section will feature one of our employees or instructors per month so that you get to know us on a personal level.

Recipe Corner

This one probably doesn’t need an explanation! We’ll feature one of our own favorites or one of your favorites! Please submit recipe ideas, along with a picture of the dish. We’d love to feature your healthy (or not!) meals, snacks or desserts.

News & Events

This page will feature current and upcoming studio events, membership info/updates and anything else that we’d like you to know.

BarreBabe Community Page

If you would like to be featured in our newsletter, let us know! We have a list of questions so that everyone can get to know you a little bit! Our goal is to create a community where you enjoy your time at the studio, and you have friends in each class – “working out” is much funner with friends!

We hope you love January’s issue!

Monika and Your team at FitBarre


Enjoying our studio? Please spread the word :)